A message from our CEO

  • 30th March 2020

I want to thank all of our customers for their understanding as we work our way through this rapidly changing and unprecedented situation.

The decision to keep the Rust-Oleum Factory and Distribution Centre open has been incredibly difficult and as a management team, we explored all the options for the business in a great deal of detail.

The final decision was made once we heard from the Government:

Health Secretary Matt Hancock said: 
Those who cannot do their jobs from home should go to work to “keep the country running”.

This guidance could change at any point and we have a contingency plan ready to close the Factory and Distribution Centre on very short notice. Our employees have been assured that if this is the case, we will continue to support them as best we can through this difficult period.

Our priorities are as follows:

  1. The well being of our employees and their families.
  2. The well being of the communities in which we operate.
  3. The continuity of our business.

For these reasons we have made the following changes to the way we operate:

  1. Implemented a two-metre separation across all of the supply chain.
  2. Marked floor into zones (only one person in a zone at a time).
  3. Marked fixed spots to stand to ensure two-metre separation.
  4. Limited access to certain areas. ie only four people allowed in the canteen at any given time.
  5. All staff briefed every day on all hygiene rules and any changes to government or company policy.
  6. Doubled the cleaning frequency of facilities.
  7. Sent all employees home on full basic pay with underlying health conditions.
  8. All staff who can work from home are now at home.
  9. Continual monitoring of the separation rule.

If there are any questions about our position please discuss them with your Area Business Manager or drop me a line on andrew.white@tor-coatings.com and I will be happy to reply as a matter of urgency.

There will be further updates as and when anything changes.

Thanks again,

Andrew White
CEO Rust-Oleum Europe

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